My mission is to show other women that a life free of alcohol is not only possible but it is better than they ever imagined. Finally becoming alligned with who you were meant to be all along, is only the beginning.

my mission


I believe that everyone has it within themselves to dig deep enough to eradicate alcohol for good, you just need to have a solid support network, the right tools, resources and guidance and a hell of a lot of resilience and determination in your heart.

I Believe


The platform serves as a safe and inclusive space where women can explore the numerous advantages of sobriety, including improved physical health, mental clarity, emotional stability, enhanced relationships, and increased self-esteem.

The Platform


2.5 years alcohol free

200+ clients & +100 hours 1:1 coaching

2 retreats

50+ 5 star reviews

Having fully experienced what it's like to be trapped in that cycle of hangovers and breaking promises to myself, I understand where you are at and I can't wait to provide you with the support, education and understanding that is often hard to replicate elsewhere.

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FREE 365 days sobriety tracker

Use the revolutionary 100 Days to flourish or book your 1:1 sessions today to change your relationship with alcohol once and for all.

Ready to work with Jodi 

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