Get in touch
Taking myself completely by surprise, at just 30 days into my 100-day challenge, I made the decision to never drink alcohol ever again. I had heard & seen too much to ever go back.
The choice to become sober has not only transformed my own life but has sparked a huge desire to share what I’ve learned with anyone that needs it. I’ve found my purpose, there is no doubt about that. From free resources and tips to digital programs and transformative coaching too, I’m here to support anyone looking to embrace an alcohol-free life and the sheer enlightenment and liberation that comes with it.
2 years ago, I decided to take a 100-day break from alcohol mainly to help me to lose some weight. I’d been a big drinker for over 20 years and sat firmly in that middle lane of drinkers, the ‘grey area’.
Hello, I’m Jodi.
Get to know jodi
Julie Stoke on trent
Both myself & my husband did a “dry January” to raise money for cancer research & found it easier than we’d expected so decided that we would try to do the 100 day challenge & here we are over 6 months alcohol free! We never hit rock bottom but now realise after reading lots of quit lit that we were classic grey area drinkers with no off switch! Feeling extremely proud of us because neither of us ever thought we’d do the full month! Feel so much more present for the boys & love the wide awake hangover free weekend mornings!
Sue Flourish in sobriety member
So if like me you are/ were uncomfortable in your drinking check out Jodi. I came across her on instagram and loved her honesty and humour. She helps you see how brainwashed we are when it comes to booze, wine mummy culture is a real thing and something I got tired with. Stopping drinking doesn’t mean you have a problem nor that you have hit “rock bottom” She provides lots of tools to support you in breaking the habit. Just do it! Start the change with some fabulous support
Steve Birmingham
This group has been a huge part of my sober journey and provides me with the uplift I need when I feel wobbly or wonder why I am doing this. Its great to know I'm not alone, and the feelings I have experienced are normal and felt by others. I couldn't do this without the group. Thank you